The Amin Tzibur Program Application Process

The Amin Tzibur Program, designed for senior synagogue administration professionals, acknowledges their Judaic knowledge, skills, and contributions to congregational life. It targets those who merge executive duties with ritual participation, thus elevating synagogue administration and motivating Jewish communal workers towards synagogue careers.

Endorsed by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and the North American Association of Synagogue Executives (NAASE), the program awards the Teudat Amin Tzibur certification to individuals who demonstrate unwavering devotion to their communities. To be eligible, candidates must be NAASE Regular Members with at least five years of experience as an Executive Director in a Conservative synagogue, hold a Fellow in Synagogue Administration certification, adhere to Conservative Judaism’s practices, and be recognized by their community and clergy as religious leaders.

Key Elements of the Program:

Personal Observance and Religious Practice: Candidates must live by Conservative Judaism’s principles, including a dedication to Shabbat and kashrut observance as defined by the Conservative Movement and your mentoring clergy.

  • General Application Requirements: Submission of a comprehensive application, qualifications, personal observance statement, and recommendations from clergy and a synagogue officer (described in detail below).
  • Judaic Study and Scholarship: Amin Tzibur candidates shall demonstrate a commitment to recent, current, and/or ongoing Jewish study. Because there are so many options for learning (especially with online options), information regarding Judaic Study and Scholarship shall be submitted as a transcript of all adult-level courses completed within 3 years, as well as any current or future study plans.
  • Clergy Mentorship: Engage in synagogue ritual duties under the mentorship of a Rabbi or Cantor.
  • Professional Growth and Communal Service: Participation in professional development and service to Jewish organizations.
  • Ritual and Synagogue Skills: Demonstrating competence in leading services, chanting prayers, and fulfilling mitzvot, and reading basic Hebrew/Judaic texts.

The program not only requires adherence to Jewish laws and ethics but also encourages ongoing learning, leadership in Jewish communal services, and mastery in ritual practices, fostering a holistic approach to synagogue leadership and community service.

Minimum Qualifications:

To be considered a Amin Tzibur commission, candidates must meet the following minimum qualifications:

  • Candidates must be a recognized Regular Member of the North American Association of Synagogue Executives (NAASE), with at least five years of experience as an Executive Director in a Conservative synagogue.
  • Candidates must be committed to Jewish religious practices and observance.
  • Candidates must be recognized by their lay leaders, membership, and congregational clergy as one of the religious leaders of the synagogue serving in sacerdotal areas of congregational and communal life including responsibilities such as leading religious services, serving as a member of the beit din (religious court), teaching, counseling, and ministering to the needs of the congregation in matters of life-cycle events, religious ceremonies, kashrut supervision, and other areas of Jewish living.
  • Candidates must have achieved their Fellow is Synagogue Administration (FSA) certification.

How to complete the Amin Tzibur application:

Prepare PDFs of the materials listed below and use them to complete the online application. You can also begin the application and “save and continue” later. The form will stay in draft for 30 days.


(PDF) Personal Statement From You
Please write a personal statement on your candidacy in the Amin Tzibur Program including how you view your role in the synagogue, your personal history and religious background, and your vision of the relationship between clergy and senior administrator. Please include a statement of your personal theology, religious practice, relationship to the Jewish community and the State of Israel.

(PDF) Statement of Personal Observance, Religious Practice, and Jewish Education
Please provide a description of your engagement with Jewish religious practices and education. This should include, but not be limited to, your observance of kashrut, Shabbat, Jewish festivals, and tefillot. Additionally, elaborate on your Jewish educational background, particularly focusing on your recent, current, and/or ongoing Jewish study. As part of this statement, please include a transcript of all adult-level courses completed within 3 years, as well as any current or future study plans. This information will help us understand the depth of your commitment and connection to Jewish traditions and learning.

(PDF) Affirmation from Mentoring Clergy
Provide a letter from your mentoring clergy stating: “I affirm that the above candidate for a Teudat Amin is engaged in their synagogue work in areas of Jewish life under my guidance and mentorship, and that they are a recognized leader in their congregation. I attest that the above candidate performs duties consistent with the goals of the Amin Tzibur program.” – name, congregation, date

(PDF) Two Letters of Recommendation
Provide the following to your references: “Please provide your name and role at synagogue. Share information relating to the candidate’s work in the synagogue and the Jewish community. Please indicate the role the candidate plays within the congregation and community working with the clergy and the membership related to ritual and religious matters. Please include areas such as the candidate’s sacerdotal duties, Judaic study, personal observance, synagogue skills, professional growth, and commitment to Conservative Judaism.”

(PDF) Paper of Original Jewish Research – To be submitted in follow up formCONFIRM TOPIC WITH AMIN TZIBUR CHAIRPERSON FIRST
Because it is assumed that an Amin Tzibur candidate is committed to a lifetime of Jewish learning, candidates are given wide latitude in choice of Judaic subject matter. Before embarking on their original research, the proposed topic must be submitted to the ATz chairperson for approval. This paper, which will be distributed among the membership of NAASE and others in the Conservative Movement, is not an “opinion piece,” but rather a well-researched paper, akin to a graduate school-level thesis, that includes a bibliography and citing where appropriate.