Regional Groups

A valuable and evolving professional resource lies in the far-reaching network of seventeen regional and local groups that span the United States and Canada. Executive Directors with common geographic bonds meet regularly with colleagues from different sized congregations, often including reform and orthodox Directors.

A variety of scheduled monthly or quarterly midday meetings (generally luncheons) bring speakers on special topics to the groups, focused timely discussions, opportunities to enter into collective agreements of mutual congregational benefit, demonstrations of available technology and other administrative know-how.

Each group operates autonomously and decides its own agenda and policies. But the feedback is always good… meetings are well-attended and programs are diverse. We urge all NAASE members to inquire from the contact person listed below, about the closest local group and the schedule of activities for the coming year.

Group Name Region Covered Contact Person Telephone
MATSAA Seaboard Region Barry Nove, FSA (703) 998-6460
CT Valley Connecticut Valley TBD
SEDAR Atlanta Adam Kofinas (404) 633-1737
MATSA New England TBD
GANSE Northern NJ Dara Winston (732) 536-2300
Metro NYC Greater New York City and Long Island Lisa Stein (516) 599-2634
Michigan Michigan Robert Rich, FSA (248) 357-5544
DVASA Delaware Valley Lynne Balaban, FSA (610) 649-7800 X 302
BATA Northern California TBD
CASED Chicago Nancy Holab Nevins (847) 446-7215
Northwest Portland Area TBD
PATA Southern California Sheryl Goldman, FSA (310) 652-7353
PASTE Pittsburgh TBD
STAT Toronto Rivka Campbell, FSA (416) 221-3433
FASTA South Florida Shai Habosha

Kim Beame

(954) 384-8265

(561) 852-6555

Western New York Deborah Zeger, FSA (585) 473-1770
MATSA Rocky Mtn Area TBD

For more information about the program of Regional Groups, or to assist in establishing groups in areas not currently served by such groups, please contact NAASE’s Regional Groups Chairman, Kim Beame by e-mail.