The ExecNet is an e-mail communication tool for the members of the North American Association of Synagogue Executives (NAASE) devoted to exploring the world of synagogue life. What makes the NAASE listServ different from other e-mail lists is that it provides an open forum and discussion platform on a wide variety of synagogue-related topics.
In this unmoderated list, all messages received by the server from its subscribers are in turn immediately sent out to all subscribers, and the responsibility for compliance with all regulations and understandings rests with each person submitting a message.
The ExecNet is open only to the members of, and is administered by volunteers of, NAASE, and currently serves over 400 subscribers from the across the U.S. and Canada.
To provide to synagogue directors of NAASE, both new and experienced alike, a forum that nurtures diverse learning, sharing and networking with executive directors across the world, in a timely and relaxed collegial environment not otherwise available.